Monday, November 27, 2006

One month til Christmas we were all busy putting up the holiday trim outside today. Papa Cec and Ezabella we lighting it all up with the Christmas lights!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ezabella, Penelope and Ceciley are really enjoying the chilly weather as they pick pinecones to make christmas ornaments with Nana for their special tree.

Victorian Christmas

The ladies dressed up for the official Lights Across Canada Celebration!
I was a wonderful evening!
We did a candle light walk up Historical Great George Street, and then enjoyed the beautiful music of the Charlottetown Childrens Choir!

Aren't we a cute couple!

Ezabella and Penelope loved the candles
The Kenny Ladies dressed up Victorian Style!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Penelope Birthday

Penelope's Birthday!! What a magicail day to have our Granddaughter Penelope celebrate her 2nd Birthday here on the Island. We had a fun time with Family and Freinds and the Brackley park, I enjoyed holding our grand-baby Ceciley and watching Penelope and Ezabella play with their friends.



Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Penelop's Birthday

It was a Magicail Day. to have our Granddaughter Penelope celebrate her 2nd Birthday here on the Island. I was a happy Nana enjoying holding my grad-baby Ceciley and watching Ezabella and Penelope play with their friends and family at the Brackley Park.
Our Birthday Tink!
Lots of FUN with friends and family!!

Make a Wish! Birthday Girl on the move!!!



Monday, November 20, 2006

