Monday, June 07, 2010

Family Celebrations

Birthday Celebrations at the cottage.

Nanny surrounded by love!

Tristan's Birthday at Crystal Palace

Emma helped calm Nanny's fears on the rollercoaster :)

Penelope had a great time riding the rides with Poppy

Lots of fun at Crystal Palace!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone!
Here are some pics from our Easter Weekend

Effie and little Dublin

Penelopy's new beach hat!
Cec resting after a fun outdoor Easter Egg Hunt!

Autumn and Corey visiting on Easter Monday

Lunch with the wild!
Easter egg hunt In Brackley


AHppy Easter we had a lovely Easter lunch with our family in Summerside!
Penelope graced her Poppywith a new hair-doo!
Cold toes!! Ezabella and Penelope were showing us how brave they were in their hot tub and how even in Canada they could be in their bathingsuits for easter!
Ceciley loved her new rocker from Nanny and Poppy and so did her baby bear!

All the Easter fun made poor Dublin very sleepy!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Proud Grandparents!

We have a new Grandson!
Our Daughter Effie Amanda and her husband Justin had their forth child this weekend!
Dublin Woodrow Frosty Able
Born Dec 22 at 2:10pm
Weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces!
Isn't he Beautiful!
Proud Grammy!
Here is Grammy and Grampy with all the Able kids!
Ezabella, Penelope and Ceclie are all very very excited about their new baby brother!
Praise the Lord for the beautiful healthy baby boy!
What a wonderful Christmas gift!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

WI President

This week I was named President of the PEI Federated Women's Institute.
Here are some pictures from the event!
Me and my sweetie!

Me and Margie Stewart, the Past President.

Me and my precious daughters
Installation Ceremony, where the Past President presented me with the official President's Pin.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Penelope at play!
Spring is here!

Our day at Victoria Park:) We are all so happy spring is here!
Cecily is growing! Princess Ezabella!


April Fun!

Easter Fun with our Granddaughters. We enjoyed having them over for a sleepover and to the Easter Festival down town!
The girls LOVED Wilber the pig:)
Remembering a Special day!
Ezabella wanted to be just like Nana!

Friday, March 09, 2007

On the Move!

Our Daughter and her family are moving this week in to this Beautiful Victorian Home this week. We are very excited for them but will miss them dearly to hugs and get love all the time here on Cudmore Lane. But they told us that tea will always be ready for us there anytime!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Birhtday Fun!

Check out them Gunns!
Lots of fun Bowling!!
In action!
To the Birthday girls favorite spot to eat Wendy's!
and home for a yummy ice-cream cake made by Auntie Autumn!!!

Happy Birthday!!!

The Birthday Girl Bowling a strike!
Papa Cec in motion!
The Bowling Queen!
Love Birds!!!
Ya it's her Birthday!